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It’s been a while since Brock Lesnar has thrown a punch in anger in a UFC octagon but he certainly did so during last night’s WWE Royal Rumble pay-per-view in Philadelphia. 

Lesnar, who was defending his ‘Universal Title’ in a triple threat match against Kane and Braun Strowman, was nailed by a knee by the mammoth Strowman and ‘The Beast’, as they call him in professional wrestling circles, certainly took some umbrage to it.

Obviously unhappy with the knee delivered by Strowman, which clearly made contact with Lesnar’s chin, the former UFC heavyweight champion retaliated with a lightning quick uppercut to the chin of his 6’8″ opponent, followed by a right hook to the temple. The blows seemed to legitimately stagger his opponent who, according to some in attendance at the event, seemed ‘out of it’ for the rest of the match. Speculation currently making the rounds on social media suggests that Strowman, whose real name is Adam Scherr, suffered a concussion during the incident.

In professional wrestling, this is known as ‘working stiff’. Certain wrestlers throughout the storied history of the practice have developed reputations for occasionally disregarding the safety of their opponent, or retaliating due to a blown sequence which could have caused injury or derailed the momentum of a match. It’s just that this one happens to be a former UFC titleholder.

For what it’s worth Lesnar later won the match by pinning Kane. You can see the footage below.

See More:  Dana White thinks Brock Lesnar will have “one more run” in the UFC